Unadilla Community Farm is a nonprofit farm education center in West Edmeston, NY, donating 100% of products to food pantries, mutual aid groups, & herbal clinics.

Dollar Value of Produce Donated (2020-2024)
$ 0
Education Program Participants (2014-2024)
Varieties of Crops Grown (2024)

Off-grid, solar-powered, & the first Otsego County recipient of New York’s Climate Resilient Farming program, we are showcasing a biodiverse, multi-story food forest model that is one of a kind in our region.

Support Our Work

What is unique about Unadilla Community Farm is that 100% of the fruits of our labor (pun intended) are donated at no cost to food pantries, mutual aid groups, and free herbal clinics serving low-income, low-access communities. This model is only possible through the support of donations and grants that subsidize the staffing, tools, and supplies required for production, harvesting, and delivery of our products. As a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, all donations are tax-deductible for federal income tax purposes.

Founded by millennial first-generation farmers, Unadilla Community Farm’s work centers on providing education and training on sustainable agriculture, and providing access to fresh produce for low-income, low-access communities. We are teaching and showcasing innovative, climate-resilient practices at scale that are at the same time intentionally designed to be economical and replicable.

Our region — and more broadly, the state of agriculture in this country — is facing a transition. After decades of monoculture cropping, farmers are aging out, soil quality is eroded, and farms are being abandoned or sold to developers. Our parcel was conventionally monocropped for decades, until it was abandoned because it was no longer profitable to use industrial tractor farming on our rocky, rutted out bottomland. Unadilla Community Farm prevented the parcel from being developed and kept the land in agricultural use, regenerating the land using human-scale farming methods, agroforestry techniques, and USDA NRCS recommended conservation practices.

The Unadilla River, which runs alongside our farm, gets its name from the indigenous Oneidan word for “a meeting place.” And at its very core, Unadilla Community Farm is just that – a place for people to come together, learn valuable skills from one another, and celebrate our togetherness with each other and with the natural world.

Stay In Touch!

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